Some of you may be reading this blog for the first time and it may be the first time you've ever read anyone's blog. Blog is short for Web Log...sort of a diary or daily/weekly posting on the "web". There are some abbreviations that are used by most bloggers that you might not be familiar with. For instance, in my last post I identified my son as DS. That simply means dear son. Hubby is DH, which is dear husband. Following that pattern, DD would be dear daughter, but for Kellee, my daughter-in-law, she'll become DDL. If I had a wife (oh, how a sister wife would be appreciated LOL), she would be DW. You might have seen BFF already. That stands for best friends forever. There are others and as they appear, I'll try to remember to explain. For now, I'll leave you with some eye candy. This is a quilt I started last winter, and hope to be able to call a finish instead of a UFO (unfinished object), by summer. At least it's in the queue (pronounced cue...meaning it's in line.)

This is a log cabin quilt using mostly Kaffe Fasset fabrics, with some Martha Negly and Phillip Jacobs thrown in. I think it will make a great summer quilt, draped across the sofa.
Today is going to be a nice day to be outside, and that's where I'll be.
Hope you have a wonderful, productive day, too.
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