Beautiful spring weather, access to water when Mother Nature didn't comply, and a bit of seed and time produced this display:
This isn't all of what's out there. The Swiss chard will continue to produce, the spinach may, too, unless it gets really hot, then it will bolt, a few rows of mixed lettuces remain, and there are many other onions out there. Also, the potatoes, green beans and tomatoes are blooming, and I just planted more baby tomato plants, as well as more pepper plants. If they do what they're supposed to, I will have rainbow colors in the tomatoes and peppers, and long, long, skinny cayenne peppers. Ooooh, yeah. The peas are still blooming and setting pods, too, and I'm pulled between picking the immature pods and using them in salads, or leaving them be until they fill out and give me little green peas to cook. Either way is good. Very good. One short row of beets.....even shorter due to certain fowl which shall remain anonymous taking dust baths in that section.....should give us a couple of good meals, as well. Once the lettuce and spinach is finished, I'll plant more green beans, and come the 26th of July, wet or dry, I'll find a spot for turnips. Look around your landscaping. Is there somewhere you could scratch around and sprinkle out some seed? In one small area, you can grow so much and it's so gratifying to just step outside and "pick your dinner". Today's lunch is sandwiches with Boca burgers (husband's new kick), on homemade bread, with homegrown onions and lettuce, wilted Swiss chard, and whatever else we can find. This is very economical, too.
If you ever ask yourself (WHY would you??? LOL) "I wonder what Brenda's doing today." you know. I'm either mowing, gardening, chicken-keeping, or taking care of something inside. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. I guess that makes me angelic? LOL hahahahaha
Brenda, I applaud your skills. I wish I had the time and the motivation to employ some of them. Our little garden is doing OK but very dry. I am watering about every other evening. We received a pretty good shower last weekend but that has long-since gone and the hose has taken over. I have heard that idle minds are the devil's workshop, but how about cluttered minds? Have a great Memorial Day!