Ok, I admit it. I'm weak. I had been pondering the wisdom of expanding the flock. I started out with ten chicks a year ago, lost my precious Minnie Pearl in early March, and wondered if even having any of them had been the right decision. Then I went to Rural King a couple of weeks ago. It was a moment of weakness, sort of like having chocolate in the snack drawer and telling yourself "I am NOT going to eat that", all the while walking towards the snack drawer. Fortunately when I was there that time, they didn't have any pullets (young hens), in the breed I wanted. Whew. I had dodged a bullet and there was time for cooling off and reflecting. Ha! Then it happened. All four of us (DH had been forewarned) set foot inside those magical doors again yesterday. I had told myself that I would only get a couple of the americaunas or araucanas that lay the blue or green eggs. Seems six chicks is the minimum they'll sell at a time, so of course, six chicks is what I came home with. DS and DDIL were with us and since they now have an interest in raising backyard chickens, helped pick out the new lovies. I am here to tell you there is nothing cuter than a little bantam silkie chick. So. Freakin'. Cute.!!!
She's blonde, and I'm trending towards naming her Marilyn (Monroe), but I'll let DS and DDIL make that call.
(post edit...sorry to report that Ms. Monroe has died. She was sooo little and I think she got crushed in the chicken clump. The other 5 are doing well for now.)
There are two other bantams, with brown and gray coloring, also so sweet, and three of the americaunas.
So, the flock has grown from 9 to 15. I just can't wait until mid summer when I start gathering those beautiful eggs. The little banty eggs will be adorable, about half the size of a regular egg. I'm thinking about a banty rooster. I remember seeing pictures of those in storybooks when I was a young chick myself.
My little brother was as
ornery sweet as they came.
I'm in love all over again. New life, new promise, blue eggs.
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