Prairie Points

Thursday, April 26, 2012

An uneventful day.

Today has been an uneventful day. Uneventful is good if you live in my world.  Today I:

1.  Got up, checked Facebook, emails, etc.

2.  Took a shower.

3.  Ate some animal crackers  for breakfast. Don't judge. Woman can't live on eggs and toast alone.

4.  Went to town under the guise of going to the pharmacy for DH, but spent two hours bargain hunting at the town-wide garage sales. Scored these items:
     a.  Three wonderful, strong, garden tools; a great shovel for $5, a nice squared off hoe for $4, and a
           handy pointed hoe for $3.  I was going to be buying these anyway, so I figure I saved at least $40.

     b.  A new crib-size piece of quilt batting for $1.  I probably saved $7 or $8 on this.

     c.  Some gorgeous custom-made fabric window shades. All four for $40.  So far, I've been too busy to
          see if they fit any of the upstairs bedroom windows, but I'm pretty sure they'll fit the four dining room
          windows, and they would look very nice in there once I get the painting done and new carpeting in. If
          they do indeed work in this house, I saved at least $200. They are purty.  If they don't work, I'll try
          re-selling them on eBay.

      d.  A few assorted dishes, great for gifting with homemade fudge or whatever on them.  The plate is part
           of the gift, and is much nicer than a tacky plastic or paper plate. Also bought a length of Christmas
          garland that has artificial pinecones on it, which will look good on my fireplace mantel next season.
          Also bought a Haitian cookbook, and a Williamsburg Kitchens cookbook for .50 each.Total at this sale was $8, but it also includes several assorted quilt patterns and sewing what-nots I
          plan to sell on eBay.  Projected profit is maybe $20.

       e. A gorgeous platter with roses and gold trim, made in Occupied Japan, putting it right after WW2, but
           before around 1950.  Again, so purty.  I paid $.75 for it.

       f.  Bought what appears to me to be a vintage hand-carved duck decoy.  It's really cool and will look
           great in my cabin someday, or my log-cabin room upstairs any day. I'm weird, I know. I'd rather
           have a $4 duck than a shopping trip to the mall. I am so okay with that, so you should be, too. LOL

5.  Came home and fixed lunch, checked on baby chicks, and watched Kitty's Love Story on Gunsmoke. She still loves Matt. No worry there, but it was a close call.

6.  Mowed the yard. Nothing broke.  You don't know how unusual that is around here. OY.

7.  Raked up a bunch of wood chips that needed burned in the backyard.   They're still burning, and once they are gone, it will make mowing  back there easier.

8.  NOBODY called with any bad news. That's always a  good thing.

It's only 4:35, but so far, it's been a very uneventful day. A common, ordinary, wonderful, uneventful day.
p.s. I forgot to mention that I gathered 8 eggs the girls blessed me with, and I ate some chocolate. That part was very good.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Wish I could have been there to hit the sales with you. So much fun.
    Luv ya, Sara

  2. Sara, I wish you'd been here, too. I know there were many other wonderful garage sales out there and the weather was perfect for it. I used great restraint, I thought. I passed up many things I would have snatched up in years past. If I didn't think I could actually use it or sell it on eBay, I left it alone. Yay, me!!

  3. Slacker!! Seriously your day made me tired. I love the decoy and, if your custom blinds work do take pictures. I on the other hand had a pretty soft day as this is my Friday equivalent at work, "made dinner" via Panera Bread, am now catching up on f.b., sipping a glass of chardonnay and awaiting the start of American Idol to 1) see if Ryan Seacrest is still barfing and 2) if Elise (sp.?) gets the boot! (Your blogs are really great btw)
