Prairie Points

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Snow in July?

It did cool off some, and even though it may look like it has snowed in our yard, I can assure you I would have been dancing a happy dance if it was cool enough to do that.  No, the security department needed a good grooming. Major, our Great Pyrenees dog, has two layers of hair. In the fall, he grows a dense, fluffy undercoat.  The outside guard hair is coarser and longer and just glistens when it's clean.  Come spring or early summer, these dogs start shedding this inner layer and it comes off in sheets. It takes more than one brushing and one never really gets it all. Major loves to be brushed. He and Boots, our black lab, leap for joy when they see the curry comb. Such funny boys. After about half an hour I had this:
I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I've been told that dog hair placed under plants repels rabbits, but a neighbor came over this spring and got some and she has nary a petunia in her yard, even now. Shot that theory down, I reckon.
I've heard that some have taken this hair and used it like sheep's wool, cleaning, carding, spinning and ultimately weaving and sewing it into something really cool. I would love to wear a sweater made from Major's hair. Any takers? In about an hour, it will have been gathered up and placed in a bag, then in a day or two, if I haven't had any takers, off it goes to the burning barrel.
He's such a pretty dog. I think that sweater looks pretty good on him, too.
He is such a funny dog. Every dog has it's own personality, but we've never had a dog that preferred getting his drinking water from anywhere but the dog water bowl.  I find him drinking out of buckets, mud puddles, and just today found out where all the bird's water was going:

Now, has anyone seen my lint roller?



  1. Don't throw it away, Brenda. I have friends who include dog hair in their spinning, but I'm not sure if it has to be a certain kind. I will post a comment and see if there are any takers.

  2. Don't throw it away, Brenda. I have friends who include dog hair in their spinning, but I'm not sure if it has to be a certain kind. I will post a comment and see if there are any takers.
