Prairie Points

Friday, March 30, 2012

Chicken Math

There's a known phenomenon in the chicken world. It's called chicken math. Once you get chickens, it seems you can never have enough of them.  They are smart birds, with individual personalities, and each breed lays a different color egg.  The common white chickens lay white eggs, but MY girls aren't common, in the least. Ahem. (Insert chick mama pride here).  My girls lay eggs in lovely shades of tan and brown, some with speckles and some with occasional ridges or funny points. They are all wonderful, above-average eggs. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Anyway, back to chicken math.  Of course, there are also chickens that lay eggs in shades of blue and green and even light pink. Some are even a dark olive color. There are chicken lovers whose goal it is to have a wide range of color in each carton.  I was going to resist this, but I feel chicken math getting the best of me.  I feel myself being pulled towards the Araucanas, also known as Easter Egger chickens. These are the ones that lay those blue and green eggs. I searched the  Murray McMurray hatchery website and read up on them. They even have little tufts of feathers on their cheeks. Do I hear an "Awwwww"?
Check them out on youtube:

Chicken math. Mostly multiplication, I'm afraid.

I called a chicken meeting with the girls, Major and cats all in attendance:

Major didn't seem to care one way or the other. The cats thought things were looking up. Mmmmm. Dinner. I don't think so. Laverne, however, was not amused.

I assured her there would be enough Egg-a-Day for all, with plenty of raisins and goodies thrown in, too. I'm not sure she was convinced.
Bok, bok and blessings,

1 comment:

  1. LOL, Laverne certainly does not look amused :) Im so jealous that you are getting easter eggers ... how many will you get? I can't wait to see your blue eggs!
