Prairie Points

Monday, March 26, 2012

It's the berries

In an attempt to become even more self-sufficient and add variety to our diet, I took a leap of faith and ordered a couple of unique items from a seed catalog I had received. I've been a big whiney-butt about my husband not being able to eat garlic. Pick a recipe. Any recipe. I'll bet you a dollar to a doughnut it has garlic in it, unless it's a desert. DH seems to be allergic to garlic so I haven't been able to cook with it.....UNLESS, this elephant garlic thing works out.  In reading the descriptions of the various botanicals for sale, I spied this:
"Impressive size! Elephant looks like garlic and tastes like a mild hardneck type, but it is actually  a type of leek."  Oh, JOY!!  He can eat leek. Onions and leeks are a piece of cake.  Could it be true that I can have the flavor and not the grief?
I received the box of goodies a couple of days ago, and was so eager to see what they looked like. They are, indeed, huge. Everything I've read says to plant them in the fall, and they will emerge in the spring. So why did they send them now if the timing was wrong? An early spring planting is also acceptable, but I'll have to keep them watered and the flower heads chopped off. I can do that.  I'm going to keep one of the cloves out to experiment with.  MMMMM. Garlic bread anyone?

Then, to ensure good health, (hahaha), I also ordered a goji berry plant.  The little darlin' looks more like a pathetic 6" sprout, but if I tend it properly, it will eventually  become an 8-10 foot shrub, loaded with extremely nutritional berries, high in antioxidants.  It can be dried, made into juices, wine, eaten fresh, etc. It's very versatile and has been used in Chinese cooking for  thousands of years.  I'll report back on this one, some day. Maybe when I turn 100. hehe
So, one of these days I'll never have to leave my backyard. I'll have goji berries, seedless blackberries, grapes, gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries,  and garlic bread. LOL  All I need is a wheat field and a cow.  On second thought, make that goats, since they can mow the grass for me. I'm resourceful, that way.

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